Monday 18 March 2013

Haemoglobin and its Adaptive Advantages

Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells

The unique nature of haemoglobin, together with the advent of complex circulatory systems, has allowed terrestrial vertebrates to optimise oxygen uptake.
Haemoglobin is a respiratory pigment found in red blood cells. It consists of four protein, or ‘globin’ chains to which are attached four haem groups. Each haem group has an iron atom at its centre that is capable of binding to oxygen. It is the oxygen-carrying capacity of haemogobin that has allowed vertebrates to produce more aerobic energy, and therefore to become larger in size, than other organisms.
Haemoglobin’s Oxygen- Carrying Capacity
More primitive animals such as sea anemones rely solely upon the diffusion of oxygen into their cells from their surroundings. This process is slow, limiting the size of organisms and restricting them to an aquatic lifestyle. Slightly more complex organisms, such as nematodes, possess a rudimentary circulatory system that allows them to push interstitial fluid around their bodies with muscular movements, but the movement of oxygen and nutrients to cells still relies principally upon diffusion.
Oxygen, moreover, has limited solubility in water – only 1.5% of the oxygen carried in mammalian blood is carried in a dissolved form. The remainder is instead carried on haemoglobin, which increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood one hundred-fold. Haemoglobin’s unique ability to bind to up to four oxygen molecules, along with the development of complex circulatory systems in more advanced vertebrates, has accordingly produced a more efficient system of supplying oxygen to cells.
This capacity to rapidly supply cells with oxygen has allowed complete aerobic cellular respiration to occur, which produces 18 times more energy (in the form of energy storing ATP molecules) than anaerobic respiration in simpler organisms such as yeasts. As a result, oxygen can access and power the cells of animals as large as the blue whale.
Respiratory Pigments in Other Organisms
Most organisms, including plants, contain some form of haemoglobin or other oxygen-binding pigment. However, among the more advanced animals only vertebrate haemoglobin is tetrameric; that is, it contains four haem groups that enable it to carry four oxygen molecules. Invertebrates such as molluscs and sea cucumbers, for instance, have dimeric haemoglobin, which can only carry two oxygen molecules.
Other invertebrates, such as crabs and earthworms, possess a different respiratory pigment altogether: crabs have haemocyanin, a copper-containing pigment that gives their blood a bluish colour, while earthworm blood can either contain chlorocruorin, a greenish pigment, or hemerythrin, a reddish pigment.
The Adaptability of Haemoglobin to Metabolic Needs
Unlike these more primitive respiratory pigments, the unique nature of mammalian haemoglobin has allowed it to maximize oxygen uptake and delivery in an unprecedented manner. The haemoglobin molecule responds, for instance, to partial pressures of oxygen in the body. In areas of high oxygen concentration, such as the lungs, it is stimulated to bind with oxygen molecules, whereas in oxygen-poor environments it releases oxygen to the cells.
This is partly facilitated by the haem group’s ability to form only loose bonds with oxygen, which allows for the easy attachment or release of oxygen molecules. As a result, it can rapidly bind with four oxygens to become ‘oxyhaemoglobin’ (responsible for the bright red colour of oxygenated blood), or release one oxygen molecule at a time, as cells require them.
Furthermore, oxygen attachment becomes easier with the addition of subsequent oxygen molecules. This is because as each molecule of oxygen is added it slightly changes the shape of the haemoglobin, making bonding less difficult. As a consequence of this 'cooperative' binding, a slight increase in oxygen partial pressure in the lungs can result in rapid blood oxygen saturation.
Haemoglobin and Carbon Dioxide
The presence of excess carbon dioxide in the blood from respiring cells can also trigger haemoglobin to release oxygen to these cells; in other words, precisely where it is needed. This is because another part of the haemoglobin molecule is able to bind to carbon dioxide, creating a conformational change in the molecule that allows oxygen to be readily released by the haem group.
Although most carbon dioxide is carried in the blood as dissolved bicarbonate ions, haemoglobin’s ability to attach to carbon dioxide and to release it in the lungs greatly assists the respiratory processes in higher vertebrates. Whether or not haemoglobin attaches to carbon dioxide or oxygen depends on the partial pressures of these gases in different parts of the body - a phenomenon known as the ‘Bohr effect’.
Haemoglobin and Red Blood Cells
The flat, disc-like nature of red blood cells also provides a greater surface area for haemoglobin attachment, adding to the oxygen-carrying capacity of vertebrate blood. In addition, red blood cells do not contain a nucleus, which means there is more room for haemoglobin – one red blood cell can in fact contain up to 280 million haemoglobnin molecules. Moreover, the very fact that haemoglobin is contained within these blood cells means that it does not interfere with the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma, as it does in invertebrates such as earthworms.
Another advantage of haemoglobin is that its blood concentration can increase at high altitudes, allowing populations such as the natives of the Andes in South America to survive in oxygen-poor environments. The actual number of red blood cells, and thus haemoglobin, can also increase in such conditions, allowing for even greater oxygen uptake.
It is evident, then, that the structure of the haemoglobin molecule itself, along with its ability to adapt to its immediate surroundings, has given higher vertebrates the respiratory advantage they need to thrive in terrestrial environments.
                Fago, A., Muller, G. and Weber, e., 2003, ‘Water Regulates Oxygen Binding in Hagfish Haemoglobin’, University of Aarhus, Denmark, Journal of Experimental Biology
                Hot Topics, ‘The Non-Vertebrate Haemoglobins’,
                McDowell, J., 2005, ‘Haemoglobin’,
                Pennsylvania State University, ‘Evolution of Myoglobin/Haemoglobin Proteins’,

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