Friday 22 March 2013

Classifying Primates

Philippine Tarsier - Roberto Verzo's Photostream
The latest trend in primate classification has been to classify in a manner that best reflects evolution, geography and physical and biochemical factors.
Primates are mammals possessing a generally accepted group of physical characteristics. These include opposable thumbs, a relatively large brain, eyes that are oriented towards the front of the head, two nipples and stereoscopic (binocular) vision.
Until recently, taxonomists have generally adopted the similar classification systems proposed by Simons in 1972 and Fleagle in 1998. According to these systems, the primate order was divided into two sub-orders: the prosimians and the anthropoids.
Prosimians included lemurs, lorises and tarsiers, grouped together because they were considered morphologically more primitive than other primates. The anthropoids comprised all other primates – in other words, monkeys, apes and man.
Fleagle’s system also placed humans in the superfamily Hominoidea, along with apes. The apes, which included orangutans, gibbons, gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos, were then separated into the family Pongidae, while humans were grouped into the Hominidae.
The Re-Classification of Tarsiers
Recent anatomical and biochemical studies, however, have thrown some doubt on this system. According to Ben F. Koop and fellow researchers at the Wayne State University, for instance, the alpha and beta globin genes in tarsiers (see fig.1) bear more resemblance to those of the anthropoids than those of the prosimians. DNA hybridization comparisons and RNA sequencing have also suggested a similar link.
In addition, the nostrils of tarsiers and anthropoids are surrounded by dry skin whereas lemurs and lorises have moist nostrils. Other physical differences, such as the absence of a tapetum (a layer in the retina that helps in night vision) in tarsiers and anthropoids, have led many taxonomists to devise two new primate sub-orders. These are the Strepsirhines (lemurs and lorises) and the Haplorhines (tarsiers, monkeys, apes and humans).
In evolutionary terms, this new grouping coincides with the view that tarsiers represent an evolutionary bridge between the two groups (see fig.2) and are in fact quite unique in many aspects of their morphology and behaviour. Jason Cowan, of Washington State University goes so far as to suggest they should be placed in a sub-order of their own.
New Groupings for Apes and Humans
Moreover, molecular comparisons of members of the super family Hominoidea have revealed that gorillas and chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than other apes. This similarity is so pronounced that they have now been placed together with humans in the family Hominidae. In fact, 98.77% of the DNA in humans and chimpanzees is identical, representing an evolutionary divergence that occurred as recently as 6 million years ago.
Gibbons, on the other hand, have been grouped with siamangs into the family Hylobatidae. According to Evans, 2009, this family represents a closer evolutionary link to Old World Monkeys (a 27 gene difference) than the Hominidae (a 31- 36 gene difference) and the Pongidae (a 33 gene difference). The Pongidae family now consists only of the orangutans, a group of South East Asian apes that diverged from other hominoids around 11 million years ago.
Note that another system places the orangutans in the Ponginae, a sub-family of the Hominidae, as a result of their close genetic relationship to this family. The African apes (gorillas, chimps and bonobos), however, remain the nearest evolutionary link to humans.
Geographical Distribution and Evolution
Considering humans are believed to have arisen in Africa, our close relationship to the African apes appears to make sense. Humans and apes in fact belong to the infra-order catarrhines because, along with biochemical similarities, they have downward pointing noses and lack prehensile (branch-gripping) tails. Old World Monkeys such as baboons and macaques are also included in this group, and can be found in Africa or Asia.
Similarly, New World monkeys (infra-order platyrrhines), all found in South America, Central America and the Caribbean islands, are grouped together because of physical similarities such as broad noses and prehensile tails. Lemurs and lorises are found only in Madagascar, while tarsiers are limited to a narrow geographical range within South East Asia.
These findings are consistent with the concept that evolution occurs in populations that are geographically isolated. The Strepshirines (lemurs and lorises) for instance, are a unique group of primates largely because Madagascar, isolated from India for over 80 million years and separate from the coast of Africa, has provided ideal conditions for natural selection to have occurred.
Similarly, the New World Monkeys may have evolved to develop their particular features after South America separated from North America. Alternatively, according to McKenna (1980), they possibly arrived some time later by ‘island’ hopping from North America via the Caribbean islands. In any case, the original primates to arrive in this continent had ample time to evolve in relative isolation.
It would appear, then, that geographical distribution and evolutionary trends, along with physical and biochemical factors, all tend to support current primate classification systems. The creation of the new sub-orders, Strepshirines and Haplorhines, to reflect the unique nature of the Tarsier, is perhaps the best example of this.
                Cowan, J., Washington State University, 2006, 'Are Tarsiers Really a Taxonomic Enigma?',
                Fleagle, 1998, 'Taxonomy of the Primates',
                McKenna,M (1980), 'Early History and Biogeography of South America's Extinct Land Mammals', Plenum, New York
                Simons, E. 1972, 'Primate Evolution', Macmillan, New York

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