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Fig. 1 - Mouse Cholera Antibody |
antibodies are showing enormous potential as biological tools in the diagnosis
and treatment of human disease.
antibodies (MAbs) are immunoglobulin proteins made to target potentially any
molecule capable of instigating the production of antibodies. Such molecules
are known as antigens. The antigen of concern is injected into mice, where
white blood cells known as B cells produce antibodies against it (see figure
antibody -producing B cells are then hybridised with myeloma tumour cells to
form ‘hybridoma’ cells, which multiply quickly, producing clones of themselves
and, in turn, vast amounts of antibodies. The term ‘monoclonal’ is derived from
the fact that they are produced from one type of cell- the hybridoma cell. This
revolutionary procedure was developed by Kohler and Milstein, who were awarded
a Nobel Prize for their work in 1984.
antibodies are specific for their target antigen only, MAbs have the potential
to be more efficient than other drugs, which may also attack normal body cells.
As a result, side effects of therapy such as nausea or allergic reactions are
Monoclonal Antibodies in Human
antibodies have several uses; the most obvious one being to fight the specific
antigen they were produced from. One such example is Mylotarg, a drug derived
from a MAb which binds to CD33, a cell-surface molecule expressed by the
cancerous cells in acute myelogenous leukemia . Other MAbs approved by the FDA
attack tumor cells in lymphomas and some breast cancers, while some target
receptor cells on the cancerous white blood cells in chronic lymphocytic
immune system can also be suppressed using monoclonal antibodies; one example
is Muromonab-CD3, which binds to the CD3 molecule on the surface of T cells.
This acts to prevent the acute rejection of organs after transplant operations.
the moderate success of these and other monoclonal treatments, progress in
human therapy has been relatively slow because the human immune system
naturally rejects antibodies that have originated in mice. As a result, the
antibodies are usually comparatively short lived and have limited success
rates. Additional drawbacks can include side effects such as vomiting and
therapies are consequently employing genetically engineered antibodies that
combine the antigen binding properties of the mouse antibody with genetic
material from human antibodies. This technique aims to reduce rejection to a
manageable level. Examples of FDA approved human or chimeric MAbs include
Synagis, Herceptin and Remicade,used in the treatment of breast cancer,
leukaemia and rheumatoid arthritis respectively.
Monoclonals as Diagnostic Tools
specificity of MAbs for the antigen that stimulates their production also makes
them useful in the detection of these antigens in the body. This has been
utilised in the identification of ABO blood groups in human serum and in the
diagnosis of pregnancy-related hormones such as HCG in pregnancy testing kits.
diagnostic tests include the detection of drug levels, infectious diseases such
as AIDS (using the ELISA test), tumour antigens and specific hormones in the
human body. While many of these tests employ the use of immunoassay procedures,
which quantify the formation of antigen antibody complex (Ag-Ab complex), others
involve the attachment of MAbs to radioactive atoms in a process known as
radioimmunodetection. In some situations fluorescent molecules or metal atoms
such as copper and gold (see figure 2) may also be coupled to the antibody to
assist in imaging the target.
Ethical Issues associated with MAbs
use of mice to produce MAbs has been controversial because of the painful and
debilitating effects of the procedure. In order to achieve an enhanced
inflammatory immune response in the mouse, for instance, substances called
adjuvants are used. These release the antigen into the mouse over a long period
of time, which often results in painful lesions at the site of injection.
Freund's Complete Adjuvant (FCA) has actually been banned in the Netherlands
and the United Kingdom.
and the fact that when the required immune response has been achieved, the
mouse’s spleen is removed to provide a source of antibody producing cells, has
resulted in some European countries legislating to limit MAb production in
mice. Alternatives being investigated include the use of tissue culture and DNA
technology to produce the antibodies in vitro.
The Future of Monoclonal Antibodies
anti-rejection technology improving continually, monoclonal antibodies may soon
be extended to the therapeutic treatment of diseases outside the traditional
areas of oncology, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, such as infectious
diseases and opthamology. With sales exceeding 32 billion dollars in 2008, MAbs
are set to become an important sector of the pharmaceutical industry.
J., 2010, `"Monoclonal Antibodies," Kimball’s Biology Pages,
jkimball.ma.ultranet, accessed 23/2/2010
A. Hart, 1996, "Monoclonal antibodies," Mouse in Science,ucdavis.edu,
accessed 23/2/2010
of Monoclonal Antibodies," Molecular-Plant-Biotechnology.info, accessed
D.C.: Biotechnology Industry Organization, 1989, "Monoclonal Antibody
Technology - The Basics," accessexcellence.org, accessed 25/2/2010
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